My 3 Favorite Websites Having Food Allergies.
Hello Fellow Human!
I am sorry to hear that you have food allergies. It is alright to cry. In fact, it's a common experience from those who found out they have food allergies or Celiac disease.
Please know you aren't alone. We are the 1 in 32 million who also have a food allergy.
I absolutely love food. I joke that I am a foodie with A LOT of allergies. It makes it harder to enjoy food. But it is doable.
Give yourself time.
Take it one dish at time.
Check out my 3 favorite websites for food inspiration. They are not listed for awesome to awesome-est. They are listed in alphabetical order….I don’t play favorites with food. It is food I can eat or food I can’t. As a safety precaution, please do your own research before consuming or purchasing anything.
First website for inspiration for someone who has food allergies…
Allergy Free Alaska I have been following on social media for over a year now. I just love Megan. She has over 13 years of experience in the kitchen and her recipes are gluten-free and dairy-free.
Second website is…
Plant Based on a Budget (with my favorite recipe for scalloped potatoes). Oddly enough, I was introduced to the blog after reading her second cookbook. Toni Okamoto’s The Friendly Vegan Cookbook, when I realized that her brand looked familiar… Toni’s cookbooks are amazing; they beautiful to look at and recipes are presented in a way that are uniquely her. Her website and blog are just as amazing.
The third website is…
The Gluten Free Austrian website is beautiful to look at and her content makes my mouth drool. Daniela is a professionally trained pastry chef with Celiacs disease.